Live Long and Master Aging podcast



Aging in extraordinary times

Paul Irving: Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging

Advancements in science and technology make it easier and more fulfilling to grow old. But Paul Irving, chairman of the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging, says if we are to realize the “longevity dividend,” society must play a bigger role in promoting healthy and purposeful aging. Paul is also the chairman of and distinguished scholar in residence at the USC Davis School of Gerontology. He says while medical breakthroughs make it possible to extend lifespans, older people face huge challenges as they embrace longer lives. In a return visit to the podcast, Paul tells Peter Bowes aging should be part of the curriculum for younger people and explains why he believes “intergenerational connection” should be a policy priority for institutions across society and for each one of us individually.


Connect with Paul:  Milken Institute | Encore | LinkedIn

In this episode we discover:

  • Why societal support matters for our aging communities.
  • When it is good to have an ‘older person in the room.’
  • How integrating the generations helps promote healthy aging and wiser younger people
  • How promotes second acts for the greater good.
“We need to have much more of a sense of social and civic commitment to understand our roles as citizens – not just to enable ourselves to live longer and healthier lives – but to ensure those are available for people across our society.”
  • Why older people are our only growing natural resource
  • How social norms should be challenged to benefit young people alongside older adults.
  • Why during these “extraordinary times” there has never been a more important time to “connect generations.”
  • Why focussing on people is as important as developing new technology.
  • How we could all benefit from more “meaning and purpose.
“As we focus on data as we think about digital tools and the advent of AI … we just don’t forget the person in the mix.”
  • The possible benefis of moving away from “age segregated” retirement communities.
  • Why educational establishments should embrace young and old students alike.

Listen to Paul’s earlier LLAMA podcast conversation:

Episode 10: Promoting purposeful aging & fighting for older people

This is the latest in a series of interviews recorded at the USC Body Computing Conference.  Find out more about the event here and the USC Center for Body Computing here. Listen to event host Dr. Leslie Saxon’s LLAMA interview with Peter Bowes:

Episode 13: Wearable and implanted technology to promote longevity

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